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About Us

February 8, 2025 - 9:37 PM EST

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About Us

We’re as passionate about tennis as we are about real estate. We’ve combined those passions to bring you TriangleTennisHomes.com, the world’s first online real estate resource for tennis enthusiasts. We're ValuePlus Properties founders Mike & Monica Palmer, and we admit it, we're tennis enthusiasts!

Mike started playing at 6 years old or so, and plans to continue to 100+. After a brush with competitive success in the ages 12-and-under city-wide1 cateogory, his play has remained in the recreational, social, and fitness zones. He's been told he can play, on a particularly good day, at an NTRP2 4.0 level.

Monica started playing at 10 years old or so, and plans to continue to 101+ (yup, 101+, she can be a bit competitive where Mike's concerned). Luckily for Mike, Monica's also been told she can play, on a particularly good day, at an NTRP 4.0 level. Seen below with her childhood idol, tennis superstar Guillermo Vilas, and British tennis legend John Lloyd, Monica's always keen to meet other tennis enthusiasts and hit the courts.

1 - Actually more of a smallish Midwest town than a city, with a total population of approximately 20,000.

2 - The National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) was designed to standardize the classification of player ability. An NTRP rating is an aggregate of many factors, with performance in match play recieving the greatest weight. It's also an effective measure for finding new, compatible playing partners (players within ± 0.5 of your rating).