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January 16, 2025 - 8:31 PM EST

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(919) 362-0037


  1. IDX: What is it?
  2. Photo Viewer: Bottom of Photos Cut Off in IE 7
  3. Photos: Missing/Broken?
  4. “See Remarks”: How do I see them?
  5. Tennis Home Search: Not Adding Up?
  6. Where’s the “Amaze-o-Fluxor”?

IDX: What is it?  (top)

A program of the Triangle MLS where participating brokerage firms share their listings for display on other companies' web sites. IDX listings enjoy massive exposure to potential buyers on thousands of real estate web sites, both locally and nationwide. Today's IDX inventory consists of:

IDX Property Type Listings
Residential 17,508
Multi-Family 201
Land 6,044
Commercial Improved 568
Commercial Unimproved 417
Rental 1,311
Photo Viewer: Bottom of Photos Cut Off in IE 7  (top)

For browser windows without the usual web address display and menu items, like our photo viewer window, Microsoft's IE 7 has a new "feature". By default, IE 7 automatically adds a line just below the topmost title bar to show the web address of the current page. Even though our software tells it not to. Unfortunately, that line takes up some of the display area's available space, pushing content like a photo image partially off the viewable page area. And IE 7 is adamant about it. All attempts to counteract this new "feature" in our software are reversed.

But there is a solution! Under Tools> Internet Options> Security> Internet> Custom Level> Miscellaneous lives an option called "Allow websites to open windows without address or status bars". Set it to "Enable". Unless a future IE 7 update alters its default address bar "feature", this is your best chance of rediscovering those hidden photo bottoms.

Property Photos: Missing/Broken?  (top)

We're aware of two primary suspects: Data Management or Ad Blocking Software on your computer. The good news is our real estate professionals can usually help you get things working in a flash. So call one of our brokers at (919) 362-0037, we’ll make things right.

Data Management: Triangle MLS provides us with IDX property photo updates once a day. We present every residential photo TMLS makes available as soon as it's distrubuted, but sometimes we've seen it take a few days for additions or changes to show up in the IDX feed. And, as you might imagine, with the daunting task of managing some 150,000 individual photos (over 3GB worth), there're bound to be a few problematic image files now and again, which we experience as missing/broken property photos.

Ad Blocking Software: There are many ad/popup blockers in common use, such as the one in Symantec's Norton Internet Security, which, left to their default configurations, are likely to remove property photos from our property search results and featured property displays. Adding a "Permit All" entry for ValuePlusProperties.com to your ad blocker's configuration usually restores the missing photos (and may even get you a Triangle Area Weather icon, another handy item in our pages the ad blockers seem to dislike).

“See Remarks”: How do I see them?  (top)

In the MLS, each property listing has a field named “Remarks”. Listing brokers use this field to enter comments and other unique data that doesn’t fit in any of the standard MLS data fields.

The MLS restricts access to this field, like many others, to licensed real estate professionals. Call one of our brokers at (919) 362-0037. They’ll help you uncover these details (and more) for any Triangle MLS listed property.

Tennis Home Search: Not Adding Up?  (top)

When you do a Tennis Home Search, you probably expect that adding the resulting homes with a Neighborhood court plus the homes with a Private court would equal All tennis homes, right? So did we. But it doesn't always add up.

We've found that some of the other firms' listing agents (those NOT affiliated with TriangleTennisHomes.com or ValuePlus Properties) aren't as familiar with the special features and value of Tennis Homes as we are. Sometimes they describe the tennis features of their listings in non-standard ways. While this usually takes the form of indicating a home has a private court when it, in fact, simply shares a community court, we've seen other interpretations as well.

So just call one of our Tennis Home Experts at (919) 362-0037. We'll get the courts sorted out for you right away!

Where’s the “Amaze-o-Fluxor”?  (top)

You read about it in our site. Now you're aching to try this incredibly useful sounding feature, but you can’t find it anywhere! If we’re lucky, it’s a feature that’s restricted to our clients. If we’re not…

Please understand, we're incredibly ambitious about giving our clients and visitors the best and most useful real estate resources possible. That ambition, plus our powerful optimism, can be problematic now and again. Yes, we’re human, and we work hard at it every day. And that Amaze-o-Fluxor should be ready to go soon, really.